Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 135; World War 1 Continues

First off I will only do 1 week a day since the archive translation program has found out about the blog and is limiting our free time to slow down blog production, it worked.
NR: In reality my blog is taking to long and I want to so other things so I'm slowing down production, now back to your regularly scheduled blog.
Peanuts               Chuck caddies for Luucy who does very well and he says she'd make a great golfer if she didn't lose interest so fast. Luci and Schroeder are pushed back by Lucinian forces.
Peanuts                  The Charlie Brownan army goes to look for Lucy after an attack on Charlie Brown but gets caught in a large storm and asks for the Pattian armies help to get home but they refuse.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown sends out a scout machine and Snoopy thinks its an economy booster and tries to use it but it doesn't work and Charlie Brown shows no sympathy.
Peanuts                Viole invited Chuck to go to a show with her as a last resort and he goes but says he doesn't mind playing second fiddle but he's not even in the orchestra. Patty starts pushing into Lucy.
Peanuts                   Luucy is flying a balloon and asks if Chuck is jealous and he says he isn't since anyone can fly one. Schroeder and Luci push all of the Lucinian army out of their new territory and stops pushing forward.
Peanuts               Schroe is singing a song in German and Lucille comes over to remind him that that he's supposed to play the three blind mice for her brother's son and he says that he's only been playing for three years and already he's going commercial. All countries in the UNOP (except Schroeder and The Republic of Shermy) push forward into Lucy.
Peanuts               Luucy is sharing an umbrella with Snoop and then leaves so Snoop runs inside. Lucy starts causing chaos in the Shermian civil war by attacking Shermy many, many times.
CB 824 Patty 399 Snoopy 228 Violet 190 Lucy 151 Schroeder 124

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