Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week 130; Marbles

Peanuts                Charlie Brown and the LucinianLinusian army are "fighting" against the Pattian and Shroe's favorite men and are told to quiet down their fighting and when some Linusian make some noise Lucy comes in and attacks them, they are then crushed by the best two groups of soldiers and two armies.
Peanuts               Lucy has Charlie Brown get a water shipment, a country heater, and more for it but it doesn't do them and surrounds the Lucinian army trying to get it to do them.
Peanuts                   Marble Part 1:CPatricia is winning all of Chuck's marbles and he is okay with it until Schroe points out she's aiming for his favorite. Schroeder decides to stop its routine attacks from Lucy and go on the offense.
Peanuts               Marble Part 2: Chuck tells Schroe that he gets a pain in his stomach whenever CPatricia gets one of his marbles. Schroeder begins to push into Lucy.
Peanuts                                 Marble Part 3: Chuck loses again and tells Shroe that its not losing that angers hi its losing the marbles. Bread An' Butter Fold Club; Lucille: Say I if you want to kick Luucy out I. Chuck: !. SuperOpinionater: I. Opinionz: I. Lucille: Luucy is no longer a member of the Bread An' Butter Fold Club.
Peanuts                                 Marble Part 4: Chuck's last marble is taken out and he dreams of his loss the entire night. Shroe is pushed back by Lucy's forces.
Peanuts               Chuck is invited by Batricia and Biole and then they reject him from being in it. Shroe calls upon Luci and they push forward against Lucy and get a foothold in the town of Luc renamed Lucis after Luci who took over it.
CB 794 Patty 390 Violet 184 Lucy 137 Schroeder 113 Linus 26

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