Thursday, April 14, 2016

Week 115; The Plans Commence

Peanuts                    Chuck teaches Luucy how to ski but she gets stuck and he dismisses her as non-athletic. The Outsiders research all the defenses of Reichardt and Cie to sell to their non-independent sister country's Peppermint Patty and Mar ( also known as Marcie, guess how that happens) that don't like the sister country's.
Peanuts                   Violet flag reviewers tell Charlie Brown's flag committee that they don't like its flag's stripe so they show them an inverted colors flag and they hate it so they keep their old one.
Peanuts                                 SmartA bring Viole to the Grand Piano and recognizes the pianist since he had been there a lot and suggests jazz which causes the pianist to shudder and SmartA tells Viole not to suggest jazz from that. Later Beethoven's birthday ( December 16) is declared a national holiday in Schroeder.
Peanuts                  Chuck tells CPatricia that Schroe won ten dollars since he was the only one who knew its 57 miles from Detroit to Toledo which he knew since that was Beethoven's age when he died. Later the Outsiders sell the battle plans of Cie and Reichardt to Mar and Peppermint Patty.
Peanuts               Linus has its television processors for away from the TV control booth of the Van Pelt alliance and Lucy moves them closer and many Linusians eyes are damaged.
Peanuts               Biole bets Chuck a lot of money that she's right about something and he says he doesn't have that kind of money. Later Peppermint Patty and Mar finish their invasion plans and start preparing for their attack.
Peanuts                     Chuck tells Luucy that he's been working on a puzzle for weeks and she volunteers to scatter the pieces all over the room since that's what she would do but he tells her not to. Later the Outsiders, United Militia,  The Republic of Shermy, and Violet make their plans for an invasion of Lucy.
CB 718 Patty 356 Violet 166 Lucy 94 Schroeder 92  Linus 15

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