Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 97; 2 Great Schroeders

Peanuts               Chuck volunteers to get Viole,Lucille, and CPatricia ice cream and the complex flavors they want cause him to flip out and not buy anything, which is good since everyone's money was in savings or spent in taxes.
Peanuts               Chuck is about to eat his last piece of candy but the Snoopy Scavengers come along requesting food for the army and he gives it to them, but they deflavorize it upsetting Chuck.
Peanuts               The United Nations of Peanuts baseball team's funding is cut short and people have to reapply but only Chuckson and Patty's champion reapply at first so they practice with him as pitcher and they use a garbage can cover for home plate and she hits the ball into the trash can.
Peanuts               Muddy offers Chuck some fudge and he thinks it's mud and admits that he hates mudpies and tells her to leave and she says that it's actual fudge and that she would never give it to him.
Peanuts                               SmartA visits Schroe and say a few terrible composer puns so he kicks SmartA out of his house forever.
                  SmartA beats Snoop in checkers by not letting him do his moves and doing them for him resulting in him winning.
Peanuts                               Schroe whistles a complex song and asks Chuck to recognize it and he says he does, Schroe is surprised that he knows it and Chuck doesn't know it, they don't tell each other that.
CB 608 Patty 318 Snoopy 164 Violet 146 Schroeder 71  Lucy 44

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