Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Week 136; New Shermy

Peanuts               Luucy has another lesson about golf from Chuck about expressions and courtesies and when he asks for two dollars as common courtesy she quits and finds a new golf teacher. Luci starts sabotaging Lucinian forces so The UNOP can push even forward.
Peanuts                        Luucy comes to Chuck reading and looks at his head and says she's looking for Denmark, the "realizes" it's his head and he chases her. Shermy tries to attack Lucy and fails miserably.
Peanuts               Violet attacks Charlie Brown and is mad since its "attacking" it and it says it isn't and then says Violet is attacking it and then attacks it after Violet says it isn't.
Peanuts                     Chuckson is trying to catch a ball but Snoopy's representative who joined the team catches it. Violet is pushed back by Lucy.
Peanuts               Patty, Charlie Brown, and New Shermy ( The Shermy that uses the new flag and represents a safe part of the country for now) are trying to coordinate an attack but Lucy put a listening device so they have to use a worse strategy.
Peanuts                    Chuckson asks for a record from Shroe and he lends him one, until he finds out it will be home plate and he takes it back. New Shermy starts taking the best stuff from the Shermian areas to use against Lucy.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown asks for a tank unit from New Shermy and it says that the units tanks aren't that good and it says it can fix it, but Schroeder already has it.
CB 831 Patty 400 Snoopy 229 Violet 191 Shermy 143 Lucy 153 Schroeder 125

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